Our mission is to give you a beautiful, affordable space with time to say a proper goodbye.

Affordable Cost

Funerals can be very expensive, our mission is to give the families of Stoke On Trent and beyond an affordable place to say goodbye for as long as they need. Having a service at The Old Chapel followed by a burial, attended or unattended cremation can not only save you money but also give you more time to say goodbye to your loved one.

More Time

We believe families deserve more time when saying goodbye to a loved one. Local crematoria offer short time slots that can be expensive to extend or families may feel rushed in and out. That's why we offer one hour time slots as standard with the option to extend this if needed. Click here for more information.

We offer service recording, audio and visual tributes

Saying goodbye to a loved one is one of the hardest things someone will ever do. We offer service recording options so everyone can attend (even if digitally!) and visual tributes to help you remember your loved on in a way that is personal to you. Our additional services can be found by clicking here.